Vision and Mission
The Institute for Professional Education will provide professional education opportunities, expansion of knowledge, and encouragement of the exchange of information among individuals and organizations through conferences, publications, and other opportunities. With the rapid growth and expansion of knowledge, this is vital to ensuring the continuing quality of the professions.
Once professionals, such as physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals, researchers, public officials, and other leaders, have left their academic institutions and formal training, there are limited high-level opportunities and venues to continue their education and keep pace with the burgeoning knowledge in their designated fields. The Institute will provide vetted educational opportunities in a widely respected, effective environment through access to influential experts, and networking and interaction with highly educated, committed professionals, peers, and the most prominent institutions in health, education, and public policy. Many of these opportunities will include accredited continuing education courses, often required for professional advancement and certification.
IPE has helped the Rosalind Franklin Society, which recognizes, fosters, and makes known the important contributions of women in science.